The academician Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg is an outstanding scientist in the field of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, the author of about 400 scientific articles and books. He graduated from the Department of Physics at Moscow State University. He worked at the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences since 1940. Since 1968, he was the head of the Department of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. His main scientific works were devoted to Physics, Optics, Astrophysics, and Radio Astronomy. He dealt with the origin of cosmic rays, superconductivity, plasma physics and general relativity. His works in the field of the theory of radiation and propagation of light in liquids and solids became the important result of his work.
In 2003, Vitaly Ginzburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his "pioneering contribution to the theory of superconductivity and superfluids." Today, the results of his work are widely used in various fields. The devices based on superconductivity have already become a reality. Some of them are magnets of charged particle accelerators, high-current power circuits of industrial installations, magnetic resonance medical tomographs and etc.
Vitaly Ginzburg participated in many outstanding scientific projects of his time. In 1947, as part of an expedition, he went to Brazil to conduct radio observations of the solar corona during a total eclipse. He was a famous popularizer of science. According to his writings, his popular scientific articles were designed for high school students and people "with higher non-physical education". That is why the scientist supported the use of school mathematical formulas in such articles, which were familiar to a wide range of readers.
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